Prof. Mohammad Qurban

Executive Chairman, National Center for Wildlife Development, Saudi Arabia


Dr. Mohammed Qurban is the Executive Chairman of National Center for Wildlife, Saudi Arabia. He was the director of the center of environment and water in King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and the Vice-Chairman of Environmental Technology and Management Association (ETMA). Mr. Qurban is a member of many associations including the Saudi Arabian Biological Society, Air and Waste Management Association, and Society of Computer science.  He held a position as a research assistant at National Oceanographic Center, Southampton, UK from 2009-to date. From 2003 to 2008, Mr. Qurban was a research assistant at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA

All sessions by Prof. Mohammad Qurban

Keynote lecture: The strategic objectives and initiatives for National Center for Wildlife
09:10 AM
Prof. Mohammad Qurban

Executive Chairman, National Center for Wildlife Development, Saudi Arabia
